Just like how a car needs regular check-ups to run smoothly, your piano needs the same kind of care to sound its best. But taking care of a piano isn’t just about tuning it or keeping it clean. There are some sneaky problems that can happen inside a piano that many people don’t even think about. If these problems aren’t caught early, they can cause big issues later on.

In our article, we’re going to talk about these hidden problems. Some of these issues are caused by things around your piano, like the air in your house, and others are because of parts inside the piano getting old or worn out. We want to help you spot these problems before they get worse.

By the end of this article, you’ll know more about what to look out for and how to keep your piano in great shape. This way, your piano can keep making beautiful music for a long time. Let’s dive in and learn about these sneaky piano problems together!

Environmental Factors

When it comes to taking care of your piano, the environment around it plays a big role. Let’s look at two important factors: humidity and temperature changes, and how sunlight and dust can affect your piano.

Humidity and Temperature Fluctuations

Did you know that the wood in your piano reacts to changes in humidity and temperature? When it’s really humid or dry, or when the temperature goes up and down a lot, it can make the wood in your piano expand or shrink. This can mess with how your piano sounds and might even cause parts of it to crack or get damaged.

To keep your piano happy, try to make sure the room it’s in doesn’t get too hot or cold and doesn’t have big changes in humidity. A good way to do this is by using a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on what you need. Also, keeping the temperature steady in the room helps a lot. This way, your piano stays in tune better and the wood stays in good shape.

Sunlight and Dust Exposure

Sunlight might make your piano look nice and shiny, but too much of it can be a problem. Direct sunlight can fade the color of your piano and even cause the wood to warp over time. And let’s not forget about dust. Dust might seem harmless, but it can actually get inside your piano and mess with the keys and other parts.

To protect your piano from sunlight, try to place it in a spot where it doesn’t get direct sun, or use curtains or blinds to block some of the light. As for dust, make it a habit to gently clean your piano regularly. Using a soft, dry cloth is a good way to keep the dust away without scratching the surface.

Internal Mechanism Wear and Tear

Inside your piano, there are lots of moving parts that work together to make music. Over time, some of these parts can wear out, especially the hammers and strings. Let’s take a closer look at what happens and how to take care of them.

Hammer and Felt Degradation

The hammers in your piano are super important for making sound. They hit the strings when you press the keys. These hammers have a special covering called felt, which can wear down after a lot of playing. When the felt gets worn out, your piano might not sound as nice as it used to. It could sound too bright or harsh, or some notes might sound different from others.

Keep an eye (and an ear) out for changes in how your piano sounds. If some notes start to sound really different or if the overall sound changes a lot, it might be time to look at the hammers. A piano technician can check them out and tell you if they need to be replaced or just reshaped.

String Corrosion and Breakage

The strings in your piano are made of metal, and just like any metal, they can start to wear out over time. They can get rusty or corroded, especially if the air around the piano is really humid. Corroded strings are weaker and can break more easily, which isn’t good for your piano.

To help keep your strings in good shape, try to control the humidity around your piano like we talked about before. Also, having a piano technician check your piano regularly can help catch any string problems early. They can clean the strings and even replace them if needed.

Neglected Cleaning and Tuning

Taking care of a piano isn’t just about playing it; it’s also about keeping it clean and well-tuned. Let’s talk about why regular cleaning and tuning are so important for your piano.

Importance of Regular Cleaning

If you don’t clean your piano regularly, dust and dirt can build up. This isn’t just about making your piano look dirty; it can actually cause damage over time. Dust can get inside the piano and affect the keys and the internal mechanisms. This can lead to keys sticking or not working right, and it can even wear out the moving parts faster.

To keep your piano in top shape, you should gently clean it regularly. Use a soft, dry cloth to dust the keys and the outside of the piano. For the keys, it’s good to use a slightly damp cloth, but make sure it’s not too wet. Water can damage the wood and the ivory or plastic of the keys. Also, don’t forget to clean under the lid and around the strings, but be very gentle in these areas.

Tuning Neglect

A piano needs regular tuning. If you don’t tune your piano, it won’t sound as good as it should. Over time, the strings of a piano stretch and lose their tension, which makes the piano go out of tune. Playing on an out-of-tune piano isn’t just unpleasant; it can also be bad for the piano. It can put extra stress on the strings and the structure of the piano.

How often you should tune your piano depends on how much you use it and the conditions in your home. Generally, it’s a good idea to tune your piano at least twice a year. But if you play a lot or if the piano is in a place with big changes in temperature or humidity, you might need to tune it more often.

Pedal and Key Mechanism Issues

Playing the piano should feel smooth and responsive, but sometimes you might run into problems like sticky keys or pedals that don’t work right. Let’s explore why these issues happen and what you can do about them.

Sticky Keys

Sticky keys are a common issue in pianos, and they can be really annoying when you’re trying to play. There are a few reasons why keys might stick:

  • Dirt and Grime: Over time, dust and dirt can build up around the keys, making them stick.
  • Humidity: Too much moisture in the air can make the wood in the keys swell, causing them to stick.
  • Worn Out Parts: Sometimes, the felt or other materials inside the piano get worn out and cause keys to stick.

If you have a sticky key, you can try a simple fix first. Gently clean around the keys with a soft, dry cloth. If the problem is humidity, using a dehumidifier in the room might help. But be careful with DIY fixes – if you’re not sure what you’re doing, it’s easy to cause more damage.

Unresponsive Pedals

Pedals that don’t work right can be just as frustrating as sticky keys. The most common pedal issues are:

  • Loose Connections: Sometimes, the mechanism connecting the pedal to the rest of the piano can get loose.
  • Dirt and Obstructions: Like with keys, dirt and dust can get into the pedal mechanisms.
  • Wear and Tear: Over time, the parts of the pedal mechanism can wear out.

For pedal issues, you can start by checking if there’s any visible dirt or obstruction and gently cleaning the area. If the pedal is loose, tightening the connections might help. But again, if you’re not sure how to do this, it’s better to call a professional.

The Dangers of DIY Repairs

While it’s great to be hands-on and try fixing things yourself, when it comes to piano repairs, DIY can sometimes do more harm than good. Let’s talk about why it’s often better to leave piano repairs to the professionals.

Risks of Unprofessional Repairs

Pianos are complex instruments with delicate parts. Trying to fix them without the right knowledge or tools can lead to several problems:

  • Making Things Worse: Without proper training, it’s easy to misdiagnose a problem or use the wrong method to fix it. This can make the original issue even worse or create new problems.
  • Damaging the Piano: Pianos have lots of small, intricate parts. Using too much force or the wrong tools can damage these parts, sometimes beyond repair.
  • Safety Risks: Some piano repairs, especially those involving the internal mechanism, can be risky. You could hurt yourself or cause damage that’s expensive to fix.

The Value of Professional Assessment and Repair

Professional piano technicians have the training, experience, and tools to diagnose and fix problems safely and effectively. Here’s why their expertise is valuable:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: A professional can quickly figure out what’s wrong with your piano. They know what signs to look for and can often spot issues that you might miss.
  • Proper Tools and Techniques: Piano technicians have specialized tools and know the best techniques for different types of repairs. This means they can fix problems without causing additional damage.
  • Long-Term Solutions: Professionals don’t just fix the immediate problem; they can also give advice on how to prevent issues in the future. This can save you time and money in the long run.

In short, while it’s tempting to try fixing piano problems yourself, it’s usually safer and more effective to call in a professional. They can ensure that your piano gets the care it needs, so you can enjoy playing it for many years to come. Remember, a well-maintained piano isn’t just a joy to play; it’s also a valuable investment.


As we’ve explored various aspects of piano maintenance, it’s clear that a combination of regular care, awareness of potential issues, and professional expertise is key to preserving the life and sound of your piano. Whether you’re a seasoned pianist or a beginner, understanding the importance of maintenance ensures that the music never stops and that your piano continues to be not just an instrument, but a cherished companion in your musical journey. Let’s embrace the responsibility of caring for our pianos with the same passion we bring to playing them.