A piano is a wonderful instrument that brings music and joy to our lives. But for it to sound its best, it needs to be taken care of properly. One important part of taking care of a piano is making sure all the keys work right.

Sometimes, piano keys can start to stick, which means they don’t press down or come back up like they should. This is a common problem, but it’s a really important one to fix. When piano keys stick, it can make playing the piano difficult. It’s hard to play a song the right way if the keys aren’t working.

But there’s more to it than that. Sticking keys can also be a sign that there are other problems inside the piano. If we don’t fix these sticky keys, these other problems can get worse over time.

In this article, we’re going to talk about why piano keys can get sticky and why it’s important to take care of this problem. We’ll look at what causes the keys to stick and how we can fix them. This way, your piano can keep sounding great and be a fun part of your home for a long time. Let’s learn more about how to take good care of our pianos!

Understanding Sticking Piano Keys

Sticking piano keys are a common issue that many piano owners face. But what exactly does it mean when we say a key is “sticking”? Simply put, a sticking piano key is one that doesn’t move smoothly when you press it down, or it doesn’t return to its original position quickly after being played.

Instead of moving freely, it either moves slowly, gets stuck at a certain point, or sometimes doesn’t move at all. This can be frustrating because it makes it hard to play the piano properly and affects the sound of the music. So, why do piano keys start sticking? There are several common reasons:

Humidity Changes

One of the biggest causes of sticking keys is changes in humidity. Pianos are mostly made of wood, which can expand or shrink depending on how much moisture is in the air. When it’s very humid, the wood can swell, causing the keys to fit too tightly in their slots and stick. On the other hand, when the air is too dry, the wood can shrink, which can also lead to problems with the keys.

Wear and Tear

Just like anything that’s used a lot, parts of a piano can wear out over time. The felt and other materials under and around the keys can get worn or compressed, which can make the keys stick. This is especially common in older pianos that have been played a lot.

Foreign Objects

Sometimes, things that shouldn’t be there get stuck in the piano. This can be anything from a small piece of paper or a pencil that accidentally fell in, to dust and dirt that builds up over time. These objects can block the keys or the parts under the keys, making them stick.

Understanding these causes is the first step in fixing sticking keys and keeping your piano in good shape. In the next sections, we’ll talk about how these issues affect your piano and what you can do to fix and prevent them. This way, you can keep your piano playing smoothly and sounding great.

The Underlying Issues Behind Sticking Keys

When piano keys start sticking, it’s often a sign that there are bigger issues going on inside the piano. It’s like a warning light in a car – it tells you something needs attention. Let’s explore some of the underlying problems that can cause keys to stick:

Swelling of Keys Due to Humidity

As mentioned earlier, humidity plays a big role in the health of a piano. When the air is too humid, the wooden parts of the keys and the piano itself can swell. This swelling makes the keys too tight in their spaces, causing them to stick. It’s not just the keys that are affected; the wood inside the piano can also swell, which can lead to more serious problems with the piano’s structure.

Problems with the Piano’s Action Mechanism

The action mechanism of a piano is the complex system of levers and hammers that work together when you press a key. This mechanism is very precise and delicate. If any part of the action is out of place, worn out, or damaged, it can cause keys to stick. For example, if a hammer gets stuck in the wrong position, or if a spring is broken, it can stop the keys from moving freely.

Need for Regulation and Alignment

Over time, the action mechanism of a piano can get out of alignment. This means that the parts don’t work together as smoothly as they should. When this happens, it can cause keys to stick. Regular regulation, which is adjusting the parts of the action so they work correctly, is needed to keep everything in alignment and working well.

Degradation of Felt and Other Materials

Inside a piano, there are many parts made of felt and other soft materials. These parts help the keys and hammers move quietly and smoothly. But over time, these materials can wear down, get compacted, or even rot. This can change the way the keys feel and move, leading to sticking keys.

All these issues are important to address, not just to fix the sticking keys, but to keep the whole piano working well. If these problems are ignored, they can get worse and may even lead to expensive repairs in the future. In the next sections, we’ll look at how these issues affect your piano in the short term and the long term, and what you can do to fix and prevent them.

Immediate and Long-Term Impacts

When piano keys start sticking, it’s not just a temporary nuisance; it can have both immediate and long-term effects on your piano. Understanding these impacts helps in appreciating why it’s crucial to address the issue promptly.

Immediate Effects on Playability and Sound Quality

  • Difficulty in Playing: Sticking keys make it hard to play the piano smoothly. It can interrupt your flow, making it frustrating, especially during fast passages or complex pieces.
  • Inconsistent Sound: A sticking key can affect the sound of the note it produces. The note might sound softer than intended or might not play at all. This inconsistency can ruin the overall sound of your music.
  • Increased Effort: Players might find themselves pressing harder on sticking keys, which can lead to uneven playing dynamics and even physical strain over time.

Long-Term Risks if Not Addressed

  • Damage to the Action: Continuously playing on a piano with sticking keys can cause wear and tear on the action mechanism. Over time, this can lead to more significant damage, affecting more keys and other parts of the action.
  • Tuning Instability: The extra force used to play sticking keys can also affect the piano’s tuning. The increased pressure can change the tension of the strings associated with the affected keys, leading to more frequent and potentially more complex tuning issues.
  • Overall Deterioration: If sticking keys are a symptom of environmental issues like humidity, ignoring them can lead to broader damage. Wood swelling and shrinking can affect the entire structure of the piano, potentially leading to costly repairs.
  • Decreased Value: For those who own vintage or high-value pianos, unresolved sticking keys and the resulting damage can significantly decrease the instrument’s value.

Addressing sticking keys promptly not only improves your immediate playing experience but also protects your piano from these long-term risks. In the next sections, we’ll explore how to prevent sticking keys and what steps to take if you encounter this issue.

Prevention and Maintenance

Keeping your piano in top shape is the best way to prevent sticking keys and other issues. Regular care and maintenance can go a long way in ensuring your piano stays in good condition and continues to provide beautiful music. Here are some tips for preventing sticking keys and the importance of regular professional maintenance and tuning.

Controlling Room Humidity

Since humidity is a major cause of sticking keys, it’s important to keep the humidity levels in your piano room consistent. Aim for a humidity level between 30% and 50%. You can use a humidifier or dehumidifier depending on the climate you live in.

Regular Cleaning

Dust and debris can contribute to sticking keys. Regularly cleaning your piano can prevent these particles from getting inside the key mechanism. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently clean the keys and the surface of the piano.

Avoid Eating or Drinking Near the Piano

Spills and crumbs can easily find their way into the piano’s mechanism, causing keys to stick. It’s best to keep food and drinks away from the piano.

Proper Placement of the Piano

Avoid placing your piano near windows, doors, or vents where it can be exposed to direct sunlight, drafts, or sudden temperature changes.

Professional Intervention and Restoration

Even with the best care and maintenance, pianos can still develop problems like sticking keys. Knowing when to call in a professional and understanding the restoration process can be key to preserving your piano’s longevity and playability.

A professional piano technician can spot problems that you might not notice. They can check for issues with the action mechanism, the keys, and other internal components. If a technician finds any problems, they can perform repairs before the issues become more serious. This can save you money in the long run and keep your piano playing beautifully.

Over time, the mechanical parts of a piano can become misaligned. A professional technician can adjust these parts (a process known as regulation) to ensure that everything is properly aligned and functioning smoothly.

When to Call a Professional for Repairs

  • Persistent Sticking Keys: If certain keys continue to stick despite your regular cleaning and maintenance, it’s time to consult a professional.
  • Multiple Sticking Keys: When more than one key starts to stick, it could indicate a larger issue within the piano’s mechanism.
  • Changes in Sound or Playability: If you notice changes in the sound quality or the responsiveness of the keys, a professional should inspect your piano.
  • After Environmental Changes: If your piano has been exposed to significant changes in humidity, temperature, or has been moved, it’s a good idea to have it checked by a technician.

Overview of the Restoration Process for Sticking Keys at Texas Piano Restoration

At Texas Piano Restoration, the process of fixing sticking keys is thorough and tailored to each piano’s specific needs:

  • Initial Assessment: A technician will first assess the piano to determine the cause of the sticking keys. This involves examining the keys, the action mechanism, and the overall condition of the piano.
  • Addressing Humidity Issues: If humidity is a factor, the technician may recommend solutions to stabilize the environment around the piano.
  • Cleaning and Repairing the Action Mechanism: The technician will clean the action mechanism and repair or replace any worn or damaged parts. This might include felts, springs, or other components.
  • Key Repair and Replacement: Damaged or warped keys will be repaired or replaced. The technician will ensure that each key moves freely and is properly aligned.
  • Regulation and Tuning: After the repairs, the piano will be regulated to ensure that all the mechanical parts are properly aligned and functioning together. Finally, the piano will be tuned for optimal sound quality.

A Registered Piano Technician (RPT) brings a high level of expertise to the process. An RPT has the training and experience to accurately diagnose the root cause of sticking keys. They use specialized tools and techniques to perform high-quality repairs that last. Hiring an RPT gives you the assurance that your piano is being handled by a professional who adheres to the highest standards in the industry.

By seeking professional intervention and restoration from a place like Texas Piano Restoration, you ensure that your piano receives the best possible care. This not only resolves immediate issues like sticking keys but also contributes to the long-term health and enjoyment of your instrument.


Addressing the issue of sticking piano keys is more than just a quick fix; it’s an essential part of preserving the health and longevity of your piano. When you listen to what your piano needs and help fix any problems, you make sure it can keep playing beautiful music. It’s not just about fixing a small problem; it’s about showing care for your piano so it can be a happy part of your home for a long time.

Every time you play a song without any trouble from the keys, you’ll know it’s because of the love and attention you gave your piano. So, let’s keep our pianos in great shape and enjoy all the wonderful music they bring into our lives!